Sunday 24 October 2010

Ancient Greece&Rome,Dark Ages,Middle Ages

Ancient Greece&Rome (800 B.C.)
     Firstly, We do know what kind of instrument the Greekes had. 

They had Lyres, which are like small harp, and might have sounded something like a guitar. The Greeks thought of music as a great expression of order and patterns. Lyre music was played calmer, and more soothingly, than the pipes and drums.

         They also had Aulos and Lutes.

             Aulos - was an ancient Greek musical instrument, including a single pipe without a reed called the monaulos  and a single pipe held horizontally, as the modern flute, called the plagiaulos but the most common variety must have been a reed instrument.

         Lute - can refer generally to any plucked string instrument with a neck and a deep round back.

          During this period, girls may have been taught at home, because they usually could not go to school, they could not working, and they could not performancing and so on. They could not have the same rights with the boys.

Indeed,in this phase they wore toga.(see right)

They also have democrates and republican at this stage.

Polyphony was the most widely popular texture

Q & A:

Q: What is polyphonic?
A: Polyphonic is several melodic parts heard at the same time.

Next, let us enjoy the music of ancient Greece:

Work cited page:

Dark Ages ( 400 - 1200 )

        At this period, all the people sumits to Holy Roman Empire, they could not work for themselves.

                                                 The music of this period are all religious music, that means all the words about "God" "Maria" "Jesus"  would be highlighted or stretched. They have a man who is head of the church which is named GregoryⅠ. He collected all the songs into a book named Liber Ususlis. The Liber Usualis contains the complete Latin settings of Gregorian Chant (Plainchant) for every Mass of the year, they used this book everyday.

     The texture of the music in this period is monophony, which means one main melody with no accompaniment.

     In the church, you can saw all male singing, females are still could not singing, they just seat and listen. But you might saw nuns in the church.

Source of information:

Middle Ages / Medieval Ages ( 1350 - 1450 )

     After the dark ages, the middle ages or medieval ages came up. Now, they have many different sorts of music,such as troubadours/thouveres or wandering musician, sacred music and secular music.

Q & A:

Q: What is troubadours/thouveres ?
A: A troubadour was a composer and performer of lyric poetry during the Middle ages. They travel around the world and performed everywhere.

Q: What is sacred music and secular music?
A: General speaking, sacred music is religious music, secular music is non religious music.

Medieval music uses many plucked string instrument, such as lute, mandora, gittern and psaltery. During this period, most of them use the texture of Homophony.

After the Middle Ages and before Renaissance, they has experienced a Black death that called
" Bubonic plague ". The Bubonic plague killed so many people, Because people sleep with animals, The fleas on the animals and jumped to the people, then lead to disease.